A Time for Reflection and Appreciation

Dawn Andersonby Dawn Anderson

December. It’s a month that is heavy with meaning and emotion. Its arrival signals that the year is nearly over, and we tend to look towards a new calendar year with fresh eyes, new goals, ambitious plans.

It is a spiritual time for many, when we express gratitude for the good in our lives, endeavor to be generous in sharing our time and resources, and in general, be a good human being.

It’s a joyful and exciting time for families planning to gather and celebrate together, for searching for the perfect gifts for family and friends, “decking our halls” and lighting candles.

But it can also be a heart-breaking time for families who have lost a loved one in the past year or for those who have fallen out with family and may be alone. Our hearts go out to those who struggle with the holiday season and the sense of loss and sadness that can bring.

For me, “decking the halls” means strands of little white lights I string all around my house. They give me a sense of warmth in the darker days of winter. When the sun goes down (TOO EARLY!) and the timers kick in, I love that glow both inside and outside the house. I feel settled and content and electric bill be darned, I keep them up for months.

What else can keep us going until spring, when it’s easier to see growth and feel warmth and start sowing seeds?

Little things: A kind word and smile shared with a stranger. The surprise of a compliment (given or received). An unexpected visit or call with a friend. A handwritten card or letter in the mail. Embracing winter and making a snowman – alone, if need be!

Bigger things: Volunteering for a cause you are passionate about. Donating to an organization that helps those less fortunate than you. Helping an elderly neighbor with their weekly chores (especially in bad weather). Being purposeful in our gratitude. Often.

If you are reading this blog, I am grateful for you. It shows you care about the WBCC and our work. You are likely one of our amazing advocates, who shares your voice and talents to help save women’s lives. You are a warm light in often dark circumstances. We appreciate you.

As WBCC closes out 2023 and looks ahead to a new year, we have welcomed new board members and volunteers, bringing new energy and reinvigorated hope for success in our mission. Our work will continue on legislation that we know will help families struggling with the cascade of consequences a cancer diagnosis means. We continue to promote policy change that ensures all women have equal access to breast screening regardless of income – because early detection means the distinct probability of a saved life. What’s more important than that?

All of us at WBCC wish you a warm and happy holiday season.