Ann Martel

Ann MartelI began my volunteer journey with Wisconsin Breast Cancer Coalition in 2014. I was looking for a volunteer opportunity that would provide me the opportunity to give back. My sister is a breast cancer survivor, and I was looking at different breast cancer organizations. One thing that drew me to WBCC was their unique focus on going “Beyond the Pink Ribbon.” While building awareness and translating that into early detection is certainly important, men and women are still dying from breast cancer. WBCC’s mission of education, collaboration and legislation drew me in. I began serving as the Treasurer of WBCC and later served as President of the organization for three years. One of my goals as President of WBCC was to continue to strengthen our mission–especially in the area of research for metastatic breast cancer and providing access to care for all women and men throughout the state of Wisconsin. It has been my honor to work with so many passionate and dedicated volunteers and artists over the years, and I look forward to continuing to support the organization that will keep us moving forward towards eradication of this disease.

Ann is President of Martel + Associates–an organization that provides financial acumen training across the United States. She is the proud mother of five children, two grandchildren and three fur grand-babies! Ann and her husband, Mike, live in Mayville, WI.

Ann’s profile is part of an ongoing series. Visit the Meet Our Team page to read more about featured WBCC members.

(February 2022)