Kari Cataldo

Kari CataldoDr. Kari Cataldo is a breast cancer survivor and retired family physician; she practiced for 16 years, most recently as a Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Family Medicine and Community Health. Since her breast cancer diagnosis in 2015, she has volunteered on Breast Cancer Recovery’s Infinite Boundaries retreats, committees and the Board of Directors. In addition, Kari has mentored many survivors through ABCD: After Breast Cancer Diagnosis and participated in state advocacy days with WBCC. On WBCC’s Education Committee last year, she helped plan the Education Day and moderated the survivor panel. Her experience in medicine, including teaching medical students and patients, has prepared her for this opportunity to chair the WBCC Education Committee. Kari’s passion for helping survivors through education and advocacy will propel her to reach out to more survivors, caregivers and other advocates in Wisconsin!

Kari’s profile is part of an ongoing series. Visit the Meet Our Team page to read more about featured WBCC members.

(January 2025)