Metastatic Breast Cancer Access to Care Act

January 3 is National Write to Congress Day!

by Lindsey Nathan O’Connor The U.S. observes National Write to Congress Day on January 3 every year, a day for citizens to exercise their democratic rights. It is crucial to write to your state and federal representatives and express what is most important to you, as their constituent. It is our duty as citizens to […]

January 3 is National Write to Congress Day! Read More »

“Effective advocates possess both patience and persistence”

by Dawn Anderson “I have come to the conclusion that politics is too serious a matter to be left to politicians.” – Charles de Gaulle At the WBCC, we have always believed that it’s critical to educate policymakers about issues related to breast cancer and our priorities. How can they possibly know everything they need

“Effective advocates possess both patience and persistence” Read More »

Take Action to Help Those Living with Metastatic Breast Cancer

by Linda Hansen In this country alone, a person dies of metastatic breast cancer (MBC) every 13 minutes.  When you hear that someone died of breast cancer, they died of MBC.  There is no cure for MBC; treatment continues until you die.  Only 22 percent of people diagnosed with MBC will be alive five years

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