Welcome 2022!

Dawn Andersonby Dawn Anderson

You know you’ve done it. We’ve all done it. We toast a new year, and we think, “It’s a blank page. I should start something new! Or finish the book I started. Or organize all my spices alphabetically and old photos by calendar year. Maybe run a marathon.” (Not me. I’ve never said that.)

There is something about a new year that makes us want to turn a page. Unless I’ve had an exceptionally fulfilling previous year, I always feel inspired to do something new. For 2022, I’m doubling down on re-learning enough high school French to confidently get myself around Paris for a once in a lifetime trip with my girlfriends in May. I’m committing to my yoga mat for at least 30 minutes a day – even if it means 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes before bed. And I’m learning how to make some really good, authentic Tex-Mex thanks to a new cookbook from my husband.

I’m also re-evaluating the little (okay, more than a little) hiatus I’ve taken from WBCC volunteer work. This is the thing I’m doing this new year not just for myself, but for others.

If I’m honest though, doing this feeds me even better than good Tex-Mex food. So, I’m raising my hand in the air again. Within the limits of my time, I will help where my talents and energy can be used to advance our priorities.

If you’re reading this, something has brought you to the WBCC website. Either you, or someone you care about, have experienced a diagnosis of breast cancer. You know the fear and the challenges. Maybe you’d like to help alleviate those challenges for someone else. Maybe you would like to learn more about prevention research, or how policy changes can make breast cancer a less daunting experience. We invite you to visit our Volunteer page for ideas.

We also invite you to join us for a virtual introduction to our work on January 25, 2022 by joining via Zoom either at noon or 6pm for a one hour presentation. You can hear more about who we are and what we’re working on. Perhaps you’ll be inspired to join our team.

Please, raise your hand with me. Volunteers have always been our lifeblood. We can’t do what we do without new voices, new energy and ideas, new talents. What can you contribute? A little or a lot, it is needed and appreciated. Let’s welcome this new year together. Cheers!