Take the Fight Up a Notch
Volunteer for the WBCC
The Wisconsin Breast Cancer Coalition is looking for volunteers. Contact us at admin@wibreastcancer.org if you are interested in volunteering with us.
“After my mom passed away, I found peace and felt empowered by volunteering for the WBCC. Unless you’ve been touched by breast cancer first hand, many people don’t realize how vulnerable families are to insurance companies and hospital bills. The WBCC fills a need for advocacy for all those affected by breast cancer.”
~ Katie Corcoran

Fund Development Committee ~ People with energy and initiative who are happy to share their enthusiasm with others fit well here. If you’re willing to stretch yourself creatively and have fun, this is the place for you.
Commitment: Monthly hour-plus long meetings via Zoom, with more time involved around events.
Education Committee ~ In order to make good decisions, people have to know the facts. Release your inner teacher! Help us bring evidence-based information about breast cancer to the public, to women and girls at risk for breast cancer, to care-providers, and to decision-makers who impact the lives of people with breast cancer.
Commitment: Monthly meetings via Zoom.
Policy Committee ~ Are you a policy wonk? Then you’ve found your people! Track policies, legislation, and guidelines and help us make sure they serve the breast cancer community of Wisconsin.
Commitment: Monthly meetings via Zoom plus one major event each year, State Advocacy Day in Madison.
Communications Committee ~ Are you a social media butterfly? Do you like a good, tight, grammatical sentence? Are you passionate about design? Then you may have some soul mates on our Communications Committee. Help us spread the word!
Commitment: Two-hour meetings every other month, plus tasks in between.
Board of Directors ~ Are you ready to take your volunteering to the leadership level? Our board is a working board (expected to join a committee and engage hands-on with furthering our mission.) We are mandated to include breast cancer survivors on our board.
Commitment: Two-hour meetings every other month, plus committee meetings, active support of events/initiatives, financial commitment to the organization, and a two-year, renewable term.